5 Amazing Budget Friendly Pool Ideas for Your Backyard

During the heat of the Sydney summer, many people find themselves wishing they had a pool to help them cool down. But a high price tag might be standing in the way of this dream.
Thankfully, you don’t need to spend a fortune to create an excellent pool in your backyard. Here are some ways you can create a watery oasis without breaking the bank.
Finding the Right Location
Planning where to put your pool is vital. Getting the right location can make the installation a lot easier, saving you a lot of time and money. Ideally, you should put your pool on flat ground, away from any rocks. Our team of concrete pool builders Western Sydney will be able to work with you, to find the best place for your pool.

Before you decide on the final position, get a site map done. This tells you where the underground pipes are. You don’t want to accidentally strike a sewage pipe during construction. 

Choosing a Smaller Design
There are dozens of concrete swimming pool designs. Picking a compact design will save money, as there will be less work required to prepare the site and install the pool. Don’t worry, a smaller plunge pool can still be a jaw-dropping addition to your backyard. 

Use Solar Power
Though you are working with a budget, you don’t need to create a boring pool. There are plenty of fun features you can add to spice it up. For example, you might add a fountain or some lights.

You can use the sunny Sydney weather to power your pool for you. Not only is this environmentally friendly, but you’ll also be reducing the costs of running the pool. Talk about a win-win.

Don’t Wait to Get Started
One of the biggest mistakes that people make is hoping that the price of pool installation will go decrease over time. This is unlikely. Construction costs have risen by 7.3 percent in the past year. This is the biggest increase in over 16 years.

Plus, delaying can mean that you’ll need to wait for a long time to get the pool installed. Demand for pools has soared to unprecedented levels, according to the Swimming Pool and Spa Association (SPASA), demand has increased by 50 per cent. Some pool companies are so overwhelmed that they are telling customers they need to wait until Christmas 2024.

Get a High-Quality Pool
There are many ways that you can reduce the costs of installing your pool. But there is one thing you shouldn’t compromise on. Getting high-quality concrete pool builders Western Sydney. The last thing you want is for the pool to crack, forcing you to pay for expensive repairs. A concrete pool will create a lifetime of fun.
Putting in a pool doesn’t have to cost you a small fortune. As long as you are spending your money wisely, you’ll be able to create a fun place to cool down, while sticking to a budget. Even better, a well-designed pool will be boosting the long-term value of your property, generating an impressive return on investment when it comes time to sell.


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