How to Stay Fit in Your Backyard
If you want to stay in shape, you might think that you need to pay for an expensive gym membership. But there are plenty of ways that you can put your backyard space to good use. Let’s look at some of the ways that you can do this. Use Resistance Training If you are looking for a good way to increase your strength, you might want to try some resistance training. This will be using your body’s weight. Because of this, you won’t need any equipment, just some space to move. There are plenty of resistance exercises that you can try. For example, you can do things like pushups or sit-ups. There are plenty of videos that will take you through the routine that you should be following. Yoga Another exercise that you can do is yoga. This is a highly relaxing activity, which is very low impact. Plus, it doesn’t take a lot of equipment. All you need is a yoga mat and some earbuds. If you prefer, you might want to take the time to meditate. This will allow you to take care of bot...